Hash Table

The instruction hash hashes the Op Stack's 10 top-most elements in one cycle. Similarly, the Sponge instructions sponge_init, sponge_absorb, and sponge_squeeze also all complete in one cycle. The main processor achieves this by using a hash coprocessor. The Hash Table is part of the arithmetization of that coprocessor, the other two parts being the Cascade Table and the Lookup Table. In addition to accelerating these hashing instructions, the Hash Table helps with program attestation by hashing the program.

The arithmetization for instruction hash, the Sponge instructions sponge_init, sponge_absorb, and sponge_squeeze, and for program hashing are quite similar. The main differences are in updates to the state registers between executions of the pseudo-random permutation used in Triton VM, the permutation of Tip5. A summary of the four instructions' mechanics:

  • Instruction hash
    1. sets all the hash coprocessor's rate registers (state_0 through state_9) to equal the processor's stack registers state_0 through state_9,
    2. sets all the hash coprocessor's capacity registers (state_10 through state_15) to 1,
    3. executes the 5 rounds of the Tip5 permutation,
    4. overwrites the processor's stack registers state_0 through state_4 with 0, and
    5. overwrites the processor's stack registers state_5 through state_9 with the hash coprocessor's registers state_0 through state_4.
  • Instruction sponge_init
    1. sets all the hash coprocessor's registers (state_0 through state_15) to 0.
  • Instruction sponge_absorb
    1. overwrites the hash coprocessor's rate registers (state_0 through state_9) with the processor's stack registers state_0 through state_9, and
    2. executes the 5 rounds of the Tip5 permutation.
  • Instruction sponge_squeeze
    1. overwrites the processor's stack registers state_0 through state_9 with the hash coprocessor's rate registers (state_0 through state_9), and
    2. executes the 5 rounds of the Tip5 permutation.

Program hashing happens in the initialization phase of Triton VM. The to-be-executed program has no control over it. Program hashing is mechanically identical to performing instruction sponge_absorb as often as is necessary to hash the entire program. A notable difference is the source of the to-be-absorbed elements: they come from program memory, not the processor (which is not running yet). Once all instructions have been absorbed, the resulting digest is checked against the publicly claimed digest.

Due to the various similar but distinct tasks of the Hash Table, it has an explicit Mode register. The four separate modes are program_hashing, sponge, hash, and pad, and they evolve in that order. Changing the mode is only possible when the permutation has been applied in full, i.e., when the round number is 5. Once mode pad is reached, it is not possible to change the mode anymore. It is not possible to skip mode program_hashing: the program is always hashed. Skipping any or all of the modes sponge, hash, or pad is possible in principle:

  • if no Sponge instructions are executed, mode sponge will be skipped,
  • if no hash instruction is executed, mode hash will be skipped, and
  • if the Hash Table does not require any padding, mode pad will be skipped.

The distinct modes translate into distinct sections in the Hash Table, which are recorded in order: First, the entire Sponge's transition of hashing the program is recorded. Then, the Hash Table records all Sponge instructions in the order the processor executed them. Then, the Hash Table records all hash instructions in the order the processor executed them. Lastly, as many padding rows as necessary are inserted. In total, this separation allows the processor to execute hash instructions without affecting the Sponge's state, and keeps program hashing independent from both.

Note that state_0 through state_3, corresponding to those states that are being split-and-looked-up in the Tip5 permutation, are not stored as a single field element. Instead, four limbs “highest”, “mid high”, “mid low”, and “lowest” are recorded in the Hash Table. This (basically) corresponds to storing the result of . In the Hash Table, the resulting limbs are 16 bit wide, and hence, there are only 4 limbs; the split into 8-bit limbs happens in the Cascade Table. For convenience, this document occasionally refers to those states as if they were a single register. This is an alias for .

Base Columns

The Hash Table has 67 base columns:

  • The Mode indicator, as described above. It takes value
    • for mode program_hashing,
    • for mode sponge,
    • for mode hash, and
    • for mode pad.
  • Current instruction CI, holding the instruction the processor is currently executing. This column is only relevant for mode sponge.
  • Round number indicator round_no, which can be one of . The Tip5 permutation has 5 rounds, indexed . The round number 5 indicates that the Tip5 permutation has been applied in full.
  • 16 columns state_i_highest_lkin, state_i_mid_high_lkin, state_i_mid_low_lkin, state_i_lowest_lkin for the to-be-looked-up value of state_0 through state_4, each of which holds one 16-bit wide limb.
  • 16 columns state_i_highest_lkout, state_i_mid_high_lkout, state_i_mid_low_lkout, state_i_lowest_lkout for the looked-up value of state_0 through state_4, each of which holds one 16-bit wide limb.
  • 12 columns state_5 through state_15.
  • 4 columns state_i_inv establishing correct decomposition of state_0_*_lkin through state_3_*_lkin into 16-bit wide limbs.
  • 16 columns constant_i, which hold the round constant for the round indicated by RoundNumber, or 0 if no round with this round number exists.

Extension Columns

The Hash Table has 20 extension columns:

  • RunningEvaluationReceiveChunk for the Evaluation Argument for copying chunks of size from the Program Table. Relevant for program attestation.
  • RunningEvaluationHashInput for the Evaluation Argument for copying the input to the hash function from the processor to the hash coprocessor,
  • RunningEvaluationHashDigest for the Evaluation Argument for copying the hash digest from the hash coprocessor to the processor,
  • RunningEvaluationSponge for the Evaluation Argument for copying the 10 next to-be-absorbed elements from the processor to the hash coprocessor or the 10 next squeezed elements from the hash coprocessor to the processor, depending on the instruction,
  • 16 columns state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative (for i and limb highest, mid_high, mid_low, lowest ) establishing correct lookup of the respective limbs in the Cascade Table.


Each padding row is the all-zero row with the exception of

  • CI, which is the opcode of instruction hash,
  • state_i_inv for i , which is , and
  • constant_i for i , which is the ith constant for round 0.

Arithmetic Intermediate Representation

Let all household items (🪥, 🛁, etc.) be challenges, concretely evaluation points, supplied by the verifier. Let all fruit & vegetables (🥝, 🥥, etc.) be challenges, concretely weights to compress rows, supplied by the verifier. Both types of challenges are X-field elements, i.e., elements of .

Initial Constraints

  1. The Mode is program_hashing.
  2. The round number is 0.
  3. RunningEvaluationReceiveChunk has absorbed the first chunk of instructions with respect to indeterminate 🪣.
  4. RunningEvaluationHashInput is 1.
  5. RunningEvaluationHashDigest is 1.
  6. RunningEvaluationSponge is 1.
  7. For i and limb highest, mid_high, mid_low, lowest :
    state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative has accumulated state_i_limb_lkin and state_i_limb_lkout with respect to challenges 🍒, 🍓 and indeterminate 🧺.

Initial Constraints as Polynomials

  1. Mode - 1
  2. round_no
  3. RunningEvaluationReceiveChunk - 🪣 - (🪑^10 + state_0·🪑^9 + state_1·🪑^8 + state_2·🪑^7 + state_3·🪑^6 + state_4·🪑^5 + state_5·🪑^4 + state_6·🪑^3 + state_7·🪑^2 + state_8·🪑 + state_9)
  4. RunningEvaluationHashInput - 1
  5. RunningEvaluationHashDigest - 1
  6. RunningEvaluationSponge - 1
  7. For i and limb highest, mid_high, mid_low, lowest :
    state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative·(🧺 - 🍒·state_i_limb_lkin - 🍓·state_i_limb_lkout) - 1

Consistency Constraints

  1. The Mode is a valid mode, i.e., .
  2. If the Mode is program_hashing, hash, or pad, then the current instruction is the opcode of hash.
  3. If the Mode is sponge, then the current instruction is a Sponge instruction.
  4. If the Mode is pad, then the round_no is 0.
  5. If the current instruction CI is sponge_init, then the round_no is 0.
  6. For i : If the current instruction CI is sponge_init, then register state_i is 0. (Note: the remaining registers, corresponding to the rate, are guaranteed to be 0 through the Evaluation Argument “Sponge” with the processor.)
  7. For i : If the round number is 0 and the current Mode is hash, then register state_i is 1.
  8. For i : ensure that decomposition of state_i is unique. That is, if both high limbs of state_i are the maximum value, then both low limbs are 01. To make the corresponding polynomials low degree, register state_i_inv holds the inverse-or-zero of the re-composed highest two limbs of state_i subtracted from their maximum value. Let state_i_hi_limbs_minus_2_pow_32 be an alias for that difference: state_i_hi_limbs_minus_2_pow_32 state_i_highest_lk_instate_i_mid_high_lk_in.
    1. If the two high limbs of state_i are both the maximum possible value, then the two low limbs of state_i are both 0.
    2. The state_i_inv is the inverse of state_i_hi_limbs_minus_2_pow_32 or state_i_inv is 0.
    3. The state_i_inv is the inverse of state_i_hi_limbs_minus_2_pow_32 or state_i_hi_limbs_minus_2_pow_32 is 0.
  9. The round constants adhere to the specification of Tip5.

Consistency Constraints as Polynomials

  1. (Mode - 0)·(Mode - 1)·(Mode - 2)·(Mode - 3)
  2. (Mode - 2)·(CI - opcode(hash))
  3. (Mode - 0)·(Mode - 1)·(Mode - 3)
    ·(CI - opcode(sponge_init))·(CI - opcode(sponge_absorb))·(CI - opcode(sponge_squeeze))
  4. (Mode - 1)·(Mode - 2)·(Mode - 3)·(round_no - 0)
  5. (CI - opcode(hash))·(CI - opcode(sponge_absorb))·(CI - opcode(sponge_squeeze))·(round_no - 0)
  6. For i :
    ·(CI - opcode(hash))·(CI - opcode(sponge_absorb))·(CI - opcode(sponge_squeeze))
    ·(state_i - 0)
  7. For i :
    (round_no - 1)·(round_no - 2)·(round_no - 3)·(round_no - 4)·(round_no - 5)
    ·(Mode - 0)·(Mode - 1)·(Mode - 2)
    ·(state_i - 1)
  8. For i : define state_i_hi_limbs_minus_2_pow_32 := 2^32 - 1 - 2^16·state_i_highest_lk_in - state_i_mid_high_lk_in.
    1. (1 - state_i_inv · state_i_hi_limbs_minus_2_pow_32)·(2^16·state_i_mid_low_lk_in + state_i_lowest_lk_in)
    2. (1 - state_i_inv · state_i_hi_limbs_minus_2_pow_32)·state_i_inv
    3. (1 - state_i_inv · state_i_hi_limbs_minus_2_pow_32)·state_i_hi_limbs_minus_2_pow_32

Transition Constraints

  1. If the round_no is 5, then the round_no in the next row is 0.
  2. If the Mode is not pad and the current instruction CI is not sponge_init and the round_no is not 5, then the round_no increments by 1.
  3. If the Mode in the next row is program_hashing and the round_no in the next row is 0, then receive a chunk of instructions with respect to challenges 🪣 and 🪑.
  4. If the Mode changes from program_hashing, then the Evaluation Argument of state_0 through state_4 with respect to indeterminate 🥬 equals the public program digest challenge, 🫑.
  5. If the Mode is program_hashing and the Mode in the next row is sponge, then the current instruction in the next row is sponge_init.
  6. If the round_no is not 5 and the current instruction CI is not sponge_init, then the current instruction does not change.
  7. If the round_no is not 5 and the current instruction CI is not sponge_init, then the Mode does not change.
  8. If the Mode is sponge, then the Mode in the next row is sponge or hash or pad.
  9. If the Mode is hash, then the Mode in the next row is hash or pad.
  10. If the Mode is pad, then the Mode in the next row is pad.
  11. If the round_no in the next row is 0 and the Mode in the next row is either program_hashing or sponge and the instruction in the next row is either sponge_absorb or sponge_init, then the capacity's state registers don't change.
  12. If the round_no in the next row is 0 and the current instruction in the next row is sponge_squeeze, then none of the state registers change.
  13. If the round_no in the next row is 0 and the Mode in the next row is hash, then RunningEvaluationHashInput accumulates the next row with respect to challenges 🧄₀ through 🧄₉ and indeterminate 🚪. Otherwise, it remains unchanged.
  14. If the round_no in the next row is 5 and the Mode in the next row is hash, then RunningEvaluationHashDigest accumulates the next row with respect to challenges 🧄₀ through 🧄₄ and indeterminate 🪟. Otherwise, it remains unchanged.
  15. If the round_no in the next row is 0 and the Mode in the next row is sponge, then RunningEvaluationSponge accumulates the next row with respect to challenges 🧅 and 🧄₀ through 🧄₉ and indeterminate 🧽. Otherwise, it remains unchanged.
  16. For i and limb highest, mid_high, mid_low, lowest :
    If the next round number is not 5 and the mode in the next row is not pad and the current instruction CI in the next row is not sponge_init, then state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative has accumulated state_i_limb_lkin' and state_i_limb_lkout' with respect to challenges 🍒, 🍓 and indeterminate 🧺. Otherwise, state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative remains unchanged.
  17. For r :
    If the round_no is r, the state registers adhere to the rules of applying round r of the Tip5 permutation.

Transition Constraints as Polynomials

  1. (round_no - 0)·(round_no - 1)·(round_no - 2)·(round_no - 3)·(round_no - 4)·(round_no' - 0)
  2. (Mode - 0)·(round_no - 5)·(CI - opcode(sponge_init))·(round_no' - round_no - 1)
  3. RunningEvaluationReceiveChunk' - 🪣·RunningEvaluationReceiveChunk - (🪑^10 + state_0·🪑^9 + state_1·🪑^8 + state_2·🪑^7 + state_3·🪑^6 + state_4·🪑^5 + state_5·🪑^4 + state_6·🪑^3 + state_7·🪑^2 + state_8·🪑 + state_9)
  4. (Mode - 0)·(Mode - 2)·(Mode - 3)·(Mode' - 1)·(🥬^5 + state_0·🥬^4 + state_1·🥬^3 + state_2·🥬^2 + state_3·🥬^1 + state_4 - 🫑)
  5. (Mode - 0)·(Mode - 2)·(Mode - 3)·(Mode' - 2)·(CI' - opcode(sponge_init))
  6. (round_no - 5)·(CI - opcode(sponge_init))·(CI' - CI)
  7. (round_no - 5)·(CI - opcode(sponge_init))·(Mode' - Mode)
  8. (Mode - 0)·(Mode - 1)·(Mode - 3)·(Mode' - 0)·(Mode' - 2)·(Mode' - 3)
  9. (Mode - 0)·(Mode - 1)·(Mode - 2)·(Mode' - 0)·(Mode' - 3)
  10. (Mode - 1)·(Mode - 2)·(Mode - 3)·(Mode' - 0)
  11. (round_no' - 1)·(round_no' - 2)·(round_no' - 3)·(round_no' - 4)·(round_no' - 5)
    ·(Mode' - 3)·(Mode' - 0)
    ·(CI' - opcode(sponge_init))
    ·(🧄₁₀·(state_10' - state_10) + 🧄₁₁·(state_11' - state_11) + 🧄₁₂·(state_12' - state_12) + 🧄₁₃·(state_13' - state_13) + 🧄₁₄·(state_14' - state_14) + 🧄₁₅·(state_15' - state_15))
  12. (round_no' - 1)·(round_no' - 2)·(round_no' - 3)·(round_no' - 4)·(round_no' - 5)
    ·(CI' - opcode(hash))·(CI' - opcode(sponge_init))·(CI' - opcode(sponge_absorb))
    ·(🧄₀·(state_0' - state_0) + 🧄₁·(state_1' - state_1) + 🧄₂·(state_2' - state_2) + 🧄₃·(state_3' - state_3) + 🧄₄·(state_4' - state_4)
    + 🧄₅·(state_5' - state_5) + 🧄₆·(state_6' - state_6) + 🧄₇·(state_7' - state_7) + 🧄₈·(state_8' - state_8) + 🧄₉·(state_9' - state_9)
    + 🧄₁₀·(state_10' - state_10) + 🧄₁₁·(state_11' - state_11) + 🧄₁₂·(state_12' - state_12) + 🧄₁₃·(state_13' - state_13) + 🧄₁₄·(state_14' - state_14) + 🧄₁₅·(state_15' - state_15))
  13. (round_no' - 0)·(round_no' - 1)·(round_no' - 2)·(round_no' - 3)·(round_no' - 4)
    ·(RunningEvaluationHashInput' - 🚪·RunningEvaluationHashInput - 🧄₀·state_0' - 🧄₁·state_1' - 🧄₂·state_2' - 🧄₃·state_3' - 🧄₄·state_4' - 🧄₅·state_5' - 🧄₆·state_6' - 🧄₇·state_7' - 🧄₈·state_8' - 🧄₉·state_9')
    + (round_no' - 0)·(RunningEvaluationHashInput' - RunningEvaluationHashInput)
    + (Mode' - 3)·(RunningEvaluationHashInput' - RunningEvaluationHashInput)
  14. (round_no' - 0)·(round_no' - 1)·(round_no' - 2)·(round_no' - 3)·(round_no' - 4)
    ·(Mode' - 0)·(Mode' - 1)·(Mode' - 2)
    ·(RunningEvaluationHashDigest' - 🪟·RunningEvaluationHashDigest - 🧄₀·state_0' - 🧄₁·state_1' - 🧄₂·state_2' - 🧄₃·state_3' - 🧄₄·state_4')
    + (round_no' - 5)·(RunningEvaluationHashDigest' - RunningEvaluationHashDigest)
    + (Mode' - 3)·(RunningEvaluationHashDigest' - RunningEvaluationHashDigest)
  15. (round_no' - 1)·(round_no' - 2)·(round_no' - 3)·(round_no' - 4)·(round_no' - 5)
    ·(CI' - opcode(hash))
    ·(RunningEvaluationSponge' - 🧽·RunningEvaluationSponge - 🧅·CI' - 🧄₀·state_0' - 🧄₁·state_1' - 🧄₂·state_2' - 🧄₃·state_3' - 🧄₄·state_4' - 🧄₅·state_5' - 🧄₆·state_6' - 🧄₇·state_7' - 🧄₈·state_8' - 🧄₉·state_9')
    + (RunningEvaluationSponge' - RunningEvaluationSponge)·(round_no' - 0)
    + (RunningEvaluationSponge' - RunningEvaluationSponge)·(CI' - opcode(sponge_init))·(CI' - opcode(sponge_absorb))·(CI' - opcode(sponge_squeeze))
  16. For i and limb highest, mid_high, mid_low, lowest :
    (round_no' - 5)·(Mode' - 0)·(CI' - opcode(sponge_init))·((state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative' - state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative)·(🧺 - 🍒·state_i_limb_lkin' - 🍓·state_i_limb_lkout') - 1)
    + (round_no' - 0)·(round_no' - 1)·(round_no' - 2)·(round_no' - 3)·(round_no' - 4)
    ·(state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative' - state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative)
    + (CI' - opcode(hash))·(CI' - opcode(sponge_absorb))·(CI' - opcode(sponge_squeeze))
    ·(state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative' - state_i_limb_LookupClientLogDerivative)
  17. The remaining constraints are left as an exercise to the reader. For hints, see the Tip5 paper.

Terminal Constraints

  1. If the Mode is program_hashing, then the Evaluation Argument of state_0 through state_4 with respect to indeterminate 🥬 equals the public program digest challenge, 🫑.
  2. If the Mode is not pad and the current instruction CI is not sponge_init, then the round_no is 5.

Terminal Constraints as Polynomials

  1. 🥬^5 + state_0·🥬^4 + state_1·🥬^3 + state_2·🥬^2 + state_3·🥬 + state_4 - 🫑
  2. (Mode - 0)·(CI - opcode(sponge_init))·(round_no - 5)

This is a special property of the Oxfoi prime.