Cascade Table

The Cascade Table helps arithmetizing the lookups necessary for the split-and-lookup S-box used in the Tip5 permutation. The main idea is to allow the Hash Table to look up limbs that are 16 bit wide even though the S-box is defined over limbs that are 8 bit wide. The Cascade Table facilitates the translation of limb widths. For the actual lookup of the 8-bit limbs, the Lookup Table is used. For a more detailed explanation and in-depth analysis, see the Tip5 paper.

Base Columns

The Cascade Table has 6 base columns:

IsPaddingIndicator for padding rows.
LookInHiThe more significant bits of the lookup input.
LookInLoThe less significant bits of the lookup input.
LookOutHiThe more significant bits of the lookup output.
LookOutLoThe less significant bits of the lookup output.
LookupMultiplicityThe number of times the value is looked up by the Hash Table.

Extension Columns

The Cascade Table has 2 extension columns:

  • HashTableServerLogDerivative, the (running sum of the) logarithmic derivative for the Lookup Argument with the Hash Table. In every row, the sum accumulates LookupMultiplicity / (🧺 - Combo) where 🧺 is a verifier-supplied challenge and Combo is the weighted sum of LookInHi · 2^8 + LookInLo and LookOutHi · 2^8 + LookOutLo with weights 🍒 and 🍓 supplied by the verifier.
  • LookupTableClientLogDerivative, the (running sum of the) logarithmic derivative for the Lookup Argument with the Lookup Table. In every row, the sum accumulates the two summands
    1. 1 / combo_hi where combo_hi is the verifier-weighted combination of LookInHi and LookOutHi, and
    2. 1 / combo_lo where combo_lo is the verifier-weighted combination of LookInLo and LookOutLo.


Each padding row is the all-zero row with the exception of IsPadding, which is 1.

Arithmetic Intermediate Representation

Let all household items (🪥, 🛁, etc.) be challenges, concretely evaluation points, supplied by the verifier. Let all fruit & vegetables (🥝, 🥥, etc.) be challenges, concretely weights to compress rows, supplied by the verifier. Both types of challenges are X-field elements, i.e., elements of .

Initial Constraints

  1. If the first row is not a padding row, then HashTableServerLogDerivative has accumulated the first row with respect to challenges 🍒 and 🍓 and indeterminate 🧺. Else, HashTableServerLogDerivative is 0.
  2. If the first row is not a padding row, then LookupTableClientLogDerivative has accumulated the first row with respect to challenges 🥦 and 🥒 and indeterminate 🪒. Else, LookupTableClientLogDerivative is 0.

Initial Constraints as Polynomials

  1. (1 - IsPadding)·(HashTableServerLogDerivative·(🧺 - 🍒·(2^8·LookInHi + LookInLo) - 🍓·(2^8 · LookOutHi + LookOutLo)) - LookupMultiplicity)
    + IsPadding · HashTableServerLogDerivative
  2. (1 - IsPadding)·(LookupTableClientLogDerivative·(🪒 - 🥦·LookInLo - 🥒·LookOutLo)·(🪒 - 🥦·LookInHi - 🥒·LookOutHi) - 2·🪒 + 🥦·(LookInLo + LookInHi) + 🥒·(LookOutLo + LookOutHi))
    + IsPadding·LookupTableClientLogDerivative

Consistency Constraints

  1. IsPadding is 0 or 1.

Consistency Constraints as Polynomials

  1. IsPadding·(1 - IsPadding)

Transition Constraints

  1. If the current row is a padding row, then the next row is a padding row.
  2. If the next row is not a padding row, then HashTableServerLogDerivative accumulates the next row with respect to challenges 🍒 and 🍓 and indeterminate 🧺. Else, HashTableServerLogDerivative remains unchanged.
  3. If the next row is not a padding row, then LookupTableClientLogDerivative accumulates the next row with respect to challenges 🥦 and 🥒 and indeterminate 🪒. Else, LookupTableClientLogDerivative remains unchanged.

Transition Constraints as Polynomials

  1. IsPadding·(1 - IsPadding')
  2. (1 - IsPadding')·((HashTableServerLogDerivative' - HashTableServerLogDerivative)·(🧺 - 🍒·(2^8·LookInHi' + LookInLo') - 🍓·(2^8 · LookOutHi' + LookOutLo')) - LookupMultiplicity')
    + IsPadding'·(HashTableServerLogDerivative' - HashTableServerLogDerivative)
  3. (1 - IsPadding')·((LookupTableClientLogDerivative' - LookupTableClientLogDerivative)·(🪒 - 🥦·LookInLo' - 🥒·LookOutLo')·(🪒 - 🥦·LookInHi' - 🥒·LookOutHi') - 2·🪒 + 🥦·(LookInLo' + LookInHi') + 🥒·(LookOutLo' + LookOutHi'))
    + IsPadding'·(LookupTableClientLogDerivative' - LookupTableClientLogDerivative)

Terminal Constraints
